A red wine works well with a tri-tip or sirloin steak and this rub. With lots of garlic in this rub, we recommend pairing it with the Bambino Grande. Our fun-loving grandfather, Bambino Diorio, would want you to sip this wine while enjoying an easy meal and the company of friends
Make a quick trip to a Smart and Final store near you for the source of the ingredients:
2 1/2 cups Diamond
Crystal Kosher salt*
2 cups Granulated
Garlic Powder
3/4 cup New
Mexico Ground Chili
1 TB Onion
1 TB Cayenne
Carefully combine the ingredients to thoroughly mix. Keep in an airtight container.
To use: Remove steak (sirloin or tri-tip recommended) from refrigerator, place on cutting board. Liberally sprinkle each side of steak with Rub, approximately 1 Tablespoon per side, but to taste. Cover and allow to sit while you prepare the BBQ. BBQ as usual, with no fear of burning a sugar-based sauce.
*Kosher salt grains come in different sizes. If you use a different brand 2 1/2 cups will be either too much or not enough. Not a huge problem, just keep it in mind.