Fratelli Perata Winery
Dijon Mustard…in variation

This is the easiest recipe and can vary on “work” needed depending upon how much you feel like doing. This recipe is as simple as mustard spread on toast; we couldn’t stop there. So, we added onions, Cambozola blue cheese, and bacon!   


Grey Poupon or other similar Dijon mustard
A couple slices Cracked Wheat Sourdough, toasted


1/2 onion sliced
3 slices of bacon (not smoky), cooked and crumbled
2 ounces of Cambozola cheese
Olive oil for sautéing, about 2 tbsp

Spread some dijon on the toasted bread. Done! Enjoy with Merlot.

But you could…

In a pan saute the onions in olive oil until tender and soft. Add in cooked bacon and dab the cheese in. Stir to melt cheese.

Once cheese is melted and well distributed throughout top a piece of sourdough with a spread of dijon mustard and onion mixture to taste.

This makes for a nice side to a steak dinner or quick appetizer. However, you prepare it, just enjoy with Merlot.